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September Brisbane Snake Catcher Update

With warm weather and sporadic rain making for some very humid days over September our snake catchers have had quite a few days at mid-summer busy levels! As is typical for this time of year however the busy runs came in patches when conditions were just right for reptiles. The vast majority of calls are still occurring during the day with night time temperatures still too low for much snake activity.


The glut of carpet pythons and tree snakes typical of winter is continuing but starting to be interspersed with other less common snake species. Other captures in Brisbane last month included, red-bellied black snakes, keelbacks, white crowned snakes and whip snakes.


September saw an increase in the number of calls I had resulting in a snake-imposter – generally a blue tongue skink. Remember, we offer a free ID service so if you want to be sure of what your scaly visitor is shoot us a pic and we can identify it and give you some advice.


The Holland Park and Sailsbury areas were particularly busy over September with one customer requiring me to come three times in as many weeks.


Moving into October we are likely to continue to see a rise in snake sightings in all suburbs. We are continuing to get snakes sheltering in roof spaces and we expect this to continue into November. If you hear sliding in your roof space give us a call and we can provide advice or remove the animals if required.


Have a great October everybody!